Linux Basics

#1589F0 Overview

#1589F0 Linux Architecture

#1589F0 Linux File System Hierarchy

Path Description
/ It is parent directory for all other directories.(root directory)
/root It is home directory for root user and it provides working environment for root user
/home It is home directory for other users and it provide working environment for other users
/boot It contains bootable files for Linux. Like GRUB (GRand Unified Boot loader) boot.ini, ntldr
/etc It contains all configuration files. Like User info /etc/passwd
/usr By default softwares are installed in /usr directory
/opt It is optional directory for /usr and it contains third party softwares.
/bin It contains commands used by all users(Binary files)
/sbin It contains commands used by only Super User (root)
/dev It contains device file like hard disk /dev/hda
/proc It contain process files and data are not permanent, they keep changing like information of CPU /proc/cpuinfo
/var It is containing variable data like mails, log files
/mnt It is default mount point for any partition. It is empty by default
/media It contains all of removable media like CD-ROM, pen drive
/lib It contains library files which are used by OS. Library files in Linux are shared object files

#1589F0 Commands